When enough isn't enough?

As teachers we give ourselves everyday.

We give our knowledge.  WE give our know how. We keep learning to share what we learn and what inspires us.

We spend our own extra time and money sometimes to provide for our students with the hope for the trade off of success for our students.

And then what happens when it isn't enough. What happens when our students are still not engaged or don't care or don't appreciate what we have done and what is the fine line between engagement and doing it for them?

What do we do when we prepare all that we can to be the best that we can be and then that isn't enough?

I think it can become daunting when we give and give and feel no sort of appreciation or growth.  I think it is important to be artists and to give ourselves the space to be learners of life.  To experience what we need to experience to be inspired so that we can be inspirational.

What does that mean?

It will vary for all of us. Some of us need to spend a day at a museum. Some of us will need a day at home alone. Whatever it means we need to find it and own it and do it.  In order to make sure we don't get into a hole that makes us feel like - when is enough not enough?
